Tag Archives: Trevor Hance

UT Environmental Science Institute Education and Outreach Dinner Pictures

Commander Ben getting ready to attend the UT Austin ESI outreach dinner at the Google Fiber space.

Commander Ben getting ready to attend the UT Austin ESI outreach dinner at the Google Fiber space.

I’ve had a busy past few weeks at school, and I have not been able to blog as much as I would have liked. The most interesting thing going on right now is my high school finals. When you have dyslexia, dysgraphic, and dyscalculia, this isn’t always the funnest time, especially with math.

I enjoy science, including learning about concepts in Chemistry this year, but I’ve really enjoyed my world history class. Whether you’re learning about Zoroastrianism or the Age of Enlightenment, it’s always been an fascinating class, and I’ve learned so much this sophomore year.

I feel a lot like I did when my freshman biology class was wrapping up. Biology was a class that I not only learned a lot in, but also enjoyed. Like biology, my world history class is coming to an end and I feel sad about it. I look forward to studying American history next year, but I will also miss my adventures in my G Block World History class.

One of the fun times I had this semester was attending the UT Environmental Science Institute (ESI) Annual Education & Outreach Dinner on April 29, 2015. Last year, the dinner was on the UT Austin campus, and this year our dinner was in downtown Austin.

Ms. Nina Schenck and Ben Shrader at the UT ESI dinner.

Ms. Nina Schenck and Ben Shrader at the UT ESI dinner.

Ms. Nina Schenck is now retiring, but she has been such a wonderful member of UT ESI and has welcomed me to Hot Science – Cool Talks for many years.

Dr. Jay Banner and Ben Shrader at the UT ESI dinner.

Dr. Jay Banner and Ben Shrader at the UT ESI dinner.

Dr. Jay Banner is such a kind and knowledgable professor. He is helping to lead so many young people to have a love of and be good stewards of our environment.

Attendees networking at the UT ESI dinner.

Attendees networking at the UT ESI dinner.

The dinner was well attended with many donor, sponsors, and students.

All-American Buffet at the UT ESI dinner.

All-American Buffet at the UT ESI dinner.

The dinner buffet was a delicious All-American spread of salad, vegetables, macaroni and cheese, and brisket.

Dr. Jay Banner thanked the UT ESI dinner sponsors.

Dr. Jay Banner thanked the UT ESI dinner sponsors.

Dr. Banner thanked the dinner sponsors, including Air and Waste Management Association, enviromedia, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, and Google Fiber. Some great folks from environmedia sat at our dinner table.

Dr. Jay Banner talks about scientists who are great role models, like Mr. Trevor Hance.

Dr. Jay Banner talks about scientists who are great role models, like Mr. Trevor Hance.

In his presentation, Dr. Banner talked about the great ways Austin teachers were helping students learn about science, including Mr. Trevor Hance and his students, like Sahil Shah. I was fortunate to be invited to the Children and Nature Network Conference by Mr. Hance and be on the Kids’ panel with Sahil.

Hook 'em Horns!

Hook ’em Horns!

Members of my dinner table show off the Hook ’em horns sign in support of UT Austin.

James Weaver and Ben Shrader at the UT ESI dinner.

James Weaver and Ben Shrader at the UT ESI dinner.

One of the UT Austin students featured at the dinner was James Weaver who was studying the endangered species of Fishhook Cactus in West Texas. We had a lot of common interests in protecting our native species against threats to their environment and against invasive species.

Ms. Melinda Chow and Ben Shrader at the UT ESI dinner.

Ms. Melinda Chow and Ben Shrader at the UT ESI dinner.

I had a great time at the event with Ms. Melinda Chow, UT ESI Outreach Coordinator.

Ms. Milli Christner and Ben Shrader at the UT ESI dinner.

Ms. Milli Christner and Ben Shrader at the UT ESI dinner.

At the end of dinner, I gave a thumbs up with Ms. Milli Christner, UT ESI Assistant Director for Development.

I really enjoyed this event. Many people who have supported UT ESI had a chance to get together, network, learn about the latest accomplishments, and have a great time.

Your friend,

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Filed under Environmental Science Institute, Jay Banner

Kid Talk Panel Video at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference

Sahil Shah, Benjamin Shrader, and Andy Kuhlken take questions from the audience after the Kid Talk presentation at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference

Sahil Shah, Benjamin Shrader, and Andy Kuhlken take questions from the audience after the Kid Talk presentation at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference

It was such an honor to be part of the Kid Talk panel at the Children and Nature Network Conference on April 7, 2015.

I talked about the panel and conference on my earlier blog posts. Here’s a video of our Kid Panel presentations and the questions we fielded from the audience.

Here are more pictures from the conference:

The Kid Talk panel had a great room and scheduled time at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference

The Kid Talk panel had a great room and scheduled time at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference

Sahil Shah, Benjamin Shrader, and Andy Kuhlken preparing for the Kid Talk at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference with Mr. Trevor Hance

Sahil Shah, Benjamin Shrader, and Andy Kuhlken preparing for the Kid Talk at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference with Mr. Trevor Hance

One of my Adventures with Invasive Species slides where I talk about the origin of Commander Ben at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference

One of my Adventures with Invasive Species slides where I talk about the origin of Commander Ben at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference

The Westcave Outdoor Discovery Center had an informative display at the back of the meeting room at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference

The Westcave Outdoor Discovery Center had an informative display at the back of the meeting room at the 2015 Children and Nature Conference

I had a great time with my friends, Andy and Sahil!

I had a great time with my friends, Andy and Sahil!

Earlier conference blog posts

Update: Additional web articles about the conference:

Thank you Mr. Hance, Mrs. Kuhlken, Ms. Addie Broussard with the Westcave Outdoor Discovery Center, and all the conference organizers for inviting me to be part of this outstanding event. I look forward to talking more with the many wonderful naturalists and nature leaders that I met during the event.

Your friend,

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Filed under Children and Nature Network Conference, Invasive Species

Kid Talk Panel at the Children and Nature Network Conference 2015

Children and Nature Network Conference 2015 (Image credit: Children and Nature Network)

Children and Nature Network Conference 2015 (Image credit: Children and Nature Network)

I’m excited to be part of this week’s Children and Nature Network Conference (C&NN) from April 7-9, 2015, at the Hyatt Lost Pines.

This conference brings together worldwide leaders to learn about what visionaries, policy makers, scientists, naturalists, and technology enthusiasts are doing to promote nature and nature-rich communities for children and families.

There’s no question technology is important to our everyday lives. Since I have dyslexia, I use technology on my iPhone, iPad, and Mac everyday to help me learn in high school, take pictures, research topics, enjoy entertainment, and keep up with current events.

But it’s important not to lose our love of nature. There’s nothing that can replace exploring the animal and plant life in our streams and waterways, walking through the majestic Redwood forests, and seeing our beautiful Texas wildflowers. Kids need technology to help them be successful in their everyday lives, but we don’t want them to lose their love of and appreciation for the natural world.

Adventures with Invasive Species

I’m part of the Kid Talk panel during the first day of the conference. During my “Adventures with Invasive Species” presentation, I’ll talk about how I battled with invasives by bringing together technology and nature through my blog commanderben.com and my YouTube channel. My blog posts and Battles with Invasive Species video series entertain and teach kids of all ages about nature by helping kids learn about and how to stop the spread of invasive species.

As part of my presentation, I’ll also share my experiences in the digital world, as a citizen scientist with the Invaders of Texas Program, which is part of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

I’ll also share my experiences in the physical world about bringing my Invasive Hunter Academy to nature events across Texas and to the US Botanic Garden in Washington DC.

With the Invasive Hunter Academy, kids can learn about invasive species through visual means, actions moves, and physical crafts. With my dyslexia, I have a special fondness for the academy because it helps kids with different learning styles learn in different ways.

Kid Talk panel

As part of the panel, I’m with two innovative kids who will be talking about how they’re bringing together technology and nature:

  • Minecraft and Biophilic Design – Andy Kuhlken will talk about how biophilic design principles can be incorporated into Minecraft. He’ll also show examples of how nature can be involved while playing a computer game. Andy is an eighth grader at the Austin Montessori School.
  • Who Is a Scientist? A Fifth Grader Finds a Voice Through iNaturalist – Sahil Shah will talk about his eight-week ecology-based service learning project, where his interests led him to iNaturalist and how he realized the value of his own voice. Sahil is now a sixth grader at Canyon Vista Middle School.

These are going to be great presentations! Creating biomes in Minecraft is a lot of fun and a great way to learn about ecosystems. iNaturalist let’s you record what you see in nature, meet other naturalists, and learn about the natural world around you.

Keynote speakers

Keynote speakers at the Children and Nature Network Conference 2015 (Image credit: Children and Nature Network)

Keynote speakers at the Children and Nature Network Conference 2015 (Image credit: Children and Nature Network)

There will be a lot of outstanding speakers at the conference, including:

  • Richard Louv, Chairman Emeritus for the Children & Nature Network and author of many books, including the Last Child in the Woods, will talk about “The Case for Nature in a Virtual World”. Mr. Louv coined the term “Nature-Deficit Disorder”!
  • Gil (Guillermo) Penalosa, Founder and Board Chair of 8-80 Cities, will talk about “The Nature-Rich City: Creating Vibrant & Healthy Communities for All”.
  • Laura Turner Seydel, Chairperson of the Captain Planet Foundation, will talk as part of the “Increasing Nature Connections for Children: A Funder’s Perspective” panel. Ms. Seydel is also a co-founder of the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper.
  • Dr. Scott D. Sampson, Vice President of Research & Collections and Chief Curator of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, will talk as part of the “Successful Nature-Connection Projects—’Getting Past the Grown-Ups'” panel. Dr. Sampson is also an author of many books.
  • Melina Gerosa Bellows, Chief Education Officer for the National Geographic Society, will talk about “Raising Tomorrow’s Explorers”. Ms. Bellows is also a best-selling author of children and adult outdoor adventure books.

Thanks to Mr. Trevor Hance, Outdoor Learning Specialist with Laurel Mountain Elementary; Mrs. Heather Kuhlken, Founder and Director of Austin Families in Nature; Ms. Addie Broussard, Natural science educator with the Westcave Outdoor Discovery Center; and all the conference organizers for inviting me to be part of this fantastic event.

Hope to talk with you more at tomorrow’s conference!

Your friend,

Update: Watch Video Previews for the Kid Talk Panel at the Children and Nature Conference 2015


Filed under Children and Nature Network Conference, Invasive Hunter Academy, Invasive Species